About Slice O’ Life Lit Mag

Slice O’ Life Lit Mag is a loosely literary digital magazine sharing moments from everyday life to foster community and connect individuals to their innate creative capacity.

Intended to capture honest and authentic snippets of time, Slice O’ Life publishes micro-nonfiction in any form, including audio. Writing does not have to be polished to be posted on Slice O’Life; you can submit a note on your iPhone as you were laying in bed, a thought you jotted down while on a walk or in the shower.

Submission Guidelines and Timeline

While there is no firm maximum word count for considered submissions, Slice O’ Life is generally looking for under 300 words for written submissions and under two minutes in length for audio submissions. You are welcome to submit written pieces up to 3,000 words or audio pieces up to 10 minutes in length, but those submissions will not initially be considered for publication. Up to three unrelated pieces of no more than 300 words each will be considered for written submissions.

Slice O’Life will consider pre-published pieces (pieces published elsewhere), but please note where and when your piece was previously published if applicable. Should your work be published on Slice O’Life and you later seek to have it published in other magazines, please note that Slice O’Life was the original publisher.

Submissions will receive a publication determination within 14 days of submission. After receiving a decision, the timing of publication will depend on the volume of submissions. If 14 days have passed and have you not received a determination, kindly email sliceolifelit@gmail.com.

Please only send one submission form at a time to Slice O’ Life. Regardless of publication determination, please wait one month from the date you received your decision to submit again.

How to Submit

Please submit your written or audio pieces via the submission form. Your work will not be considered for publication if you do not submit it via the submission form.

Please note that Slice O’ Life is a volunteer operation. Unfortunately, creators are not compensated for their work if selected for publication at this time.

Thank you for reading, listening, and sharing your slice(s) o’ life!

Subscribe to Slice O' Life Lit Mag

A loosely literary digital magazine sharing moments from everyday life.